BC Building Trades call to action

April 24 letter from BCBT Executive Director Tom Sigurdson Brothers and Sisters, As you are likely aware the four crafts involved in pipeline construction have started a public awareness campaign regarding the potential Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain project (KM TMX). Negotiations for the KM TMX work have not gone as had been hoped and the … Read More

Concrete industry in the Northeast

Inland Concrete became a signatory company after a Teamsters Local 213 organizing drive in 1972. The company has plants in Fort St. John, Dawson Creek, and Prince George. Teamster members expect the company will be fairly busy this year too, but not as swamped as it’s been in years past. Temperatures drop to -40 degrees … Read More

Teamsters at Site C like their union

Work at Site C is “moving fast,” said Business Agent Justin Roylance. He spends as much time as he can in Fort St. John meeting and talking to members who work at the Atco Two Rivers lodge. Roylance acknowledged that there is some opposition to Site C in the region, but the people working at … Read More

Prepare for the invasion

Driverless trucks are being tested / millions of jobs on the line In the 10 months since Today’s Teamsters reported the first use of automated driverless trucks at an open-pit mine in Alberta, the use of automated vehicles, including on open roads, has spread. And both labour and corporate sources are warning about mass job … Read More

Fernando Campos’s story

A long career and good economic insight One pretty indisputable economic fact is that the more higher- paid steady union jobs there are, the better the economy and the better off people are. That’s what recently retired food production worker Fernando Campos had to say, and he’s living proof of it. He’s weathered the ever-changing … Read More

Safety Before Profits campaign

Tell Kinder Morgan to keep its promise! The B.C. Coalition for Safety Before Profits and its members have launched an online campaign to tell Kinder Morgan to keep its promise to British Columbians—that is, its promise to put SAFETY BEFORE PROFITS. In response to a growing community of British Columbians who are concerned about Kinder … Read More

TEL Group’s Northeast organizing drive

Business Rep Jason Conway at the Site C Job Fair in Fort St. John The TEL Group (Teamsters Local 213, Operating Engineers Local 115, and Labourers Local 1611) is organizing at the Site C Dam site in Fort St. John. The TEL Group was contacted several months ago by workers at Peace River Hydro Partners … Read More

Update: Federal government’s tax on health benefits

Feb. 1, 2017 Mobilization against the Federal Liberal’s plan to tax employer-paid health and dental plans has worked. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that he will not enact a tax on health and dental benefits, after days of refusing to rule out the option. ****************** Jan. 24, 2017 The federal government is considering taxing employer-paid … Read More