Notice of Election

OFFICE OF THE ELECTION SUPERVISOR for the INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF TEAMSTERS 1990 M STREET, N.W., SUITE 650 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036 844-428-8683 TOLL FREE 202-925-8922 FACSIMILE NOTICE OF ELECTION The election of International officers is being conducted by mail ballot by the Election Supervisor for the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (“IBT”). The ballot count … Read More


A nomination meeting was held on January 20, 2021 to nominate candidates for Delegates and Alternate Delegates to the 30th International Convention of the IBT to be held in Las Vegas, NV. IBT Delegates Election Results Posting Jan. 20, 2021

Recent passing of Brothers Jeffrey “Jeff” Vest and Ken Griffiths

Recent passing of Brothers Jeffrey “Jeff” Vest and Ken Griffiths It is with sadness that we announce the recent passing of two Vernon area members, Brother Jeff Vest and Brother Ken Griffiths. Jeff Vest joined the Coca-Cola Bottling Company in 1979 and worked his way to a career as a service technician. Ken Griffiths … Read More


International Brotherhood of Teamsters Nomination Meeting Results International Brotherhood of Teamsters Nomination Meeting results for the Teamsters Convention to be held in Las Vegas Nevada, June 28 to July 2, 2021. Delegates selected are: Walter Canta, Ray Zigmont, Tony Santavenere, Anita Dawson, Rob Moody ,Amneet Sekhon, Anthony Krieger, Kimm Davis, Jason Conway, Jim Loyst, Paul … Read More

Solidarity with Farmers in India

The Teamsters Local Union 213 stands strongly in solidarity with the farmers and the millions of activists across India who are and have been peacefully protesting against the extreme Legislation recently passed by yourself and the Indian Government, which aims to deregulate Indian agriculture and destroy families that have been farming for generations. SOLIDARITY WITH … Read More

Parental benefits for workers are possible

By Leslie Dyson Teamster member Ryan Verigan and his wife had their first child in February and he finished his work as a foreman at the John Hart Dam in March. He was happy to get some time off, and said he was looking forward to taking a couple of months off to enjoy his … Read More

Double- dipping ICBC penalties

  By Marco Procaccini “Double-dipping. That’s a way to describe it.” That’s Teamsters Local 213 business representative Barry Capozzi’s response to ICBC’s new regulations for at-fault accidents that penalize commercial drivers on their personal insurance, as well as where they work. On Sept. 1, 2019, ICBC released what it calls its “more driver-based insurance model.” … Read More

Electric trucks, the promise/the reality

By Marco Procaccini We often hear about industries switching to cleaner fuels to reduce their carbon footprint and address global warming and worsening air quality. The reality faced by transportation workers and commercial vehicle operators is that the options and prospects for moving to non-fossil fuels are still fairly slim. But change is on the … Read More