Training centre launch

The Teamsters Local 213 traveling training centre was a centrepiece of this year's PNE. Premier John Horgan and Minister of Labour Harry Bains came over to check it out and talk to Teamster members. The photos clearly show Horgan and Bains enjoying the learning experience of the computer simulators.

JTS joins industry partners

The Teamsters Joint Training School is taking the message to the people. In July, the school joined other representatives of the pipeline industry at the convention of the Assembly of First Nations in July 2018.

Congratulations Peter Dahl

Business Agent Mike Symons presented Peter Dahl with a Teamsters Local 213 watch. Dahl worked for 16 years with Kelowna Ready Mix.

Building trades support retaliatory tariffs

June 6, 2018 Canada’s Building Trades Unions fully support the Government of Canada’s response to U.S. President Donald Trump’s recent decision to impose tariffs on steel and aluminum from Canadian companies. “We unequivocally support Prime Minister Trudeau and his government for taking swift action a day following President Trump’s short-sighted decision,” stated Robert Blakely, Canadian … Read More

A cutting-edge training model

By Marco Procaccini Recently retired training coordinator Michael is leaving an important legacy for members of Teamsters Local 213. High-quality, cutting-edge skills training is a key to survival in today’s economy. And labour unions shouldn’t wait for governments to get on the ball, they have to do it themselves. That’s what Mike Evans has to … Read More

Teamsters Local 213 lawyer Casey McCabe retires

By Marco Procaccini Most people believe that laws are synonymous with justice. Sadly, in our global corporate capitalist economy, that often isn’t the case. That’s what you’ll learn when you talk to Casey McCabe, director of the Teamsters Local 213 Legal Affairs Department. After 10 years as a Teamsters Local 213 lawyer and 30 years … Read More

Career opportunities for women

By Anita Dawson, Business Representative Why aren’t more Teamster women working as truck drivers? Is a laundry production line job that different from beverage/food production line work? Is there anything disqualifying women from getting class 1, 3 or 5 licences? Pay equity for all women and men – it’s in our collective agreements. The Teamsters … Read More

Marijuana, cannabis, and opioids

Some labour organizations are concerned that the country’s preoccupation with the legalization of recreational marijuana could lead to employer heavy handedness and abuse of workers’ rights. July 1 marks the day when it becomes legal. Medical use of cannabis has been legal in this country since 2001. The Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction … Read More

Teamsters at Euroline Windows

Euroline Windows employs 60 members of Teamsters Local 213 including Sonia Nanda; Melchor Banac and Allan Borja; Kulwant Gill; shop steward Claude Gauteau; and Adam Karjala, Jaymond Tambam, and Welson Morte. See feature in Summer’18_TodaysTeamsters, beginning on Pg. 12